Overwatch 2 Beta Begins Tuesday: Sign Up and What to Expect

by Barbara R. Abercrombie
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Overwatch 2 kicks off its second beta on Tuesday, June 28, for PC and console players. Entries are still open for a chance to participate, and you can still get guaranteed access if you’re willing to spend some money. The next beta is our first look at Junker Queen, a new tank hero that first appeared in posters on the Junkertown map released in 2017. Fans have been hoping to play her ever since, and we finally get the chance five years later. The new beta also adds a new hybrid map, Paraiso. The developers have outlined their beta goals, including testing server capacity and hero balance.

Overwatch 2 is the sequel to Blizzard’s class-based shooter, featuring two teams of five players battling for goals. The free-to-play PvP element will bring the game more in line with other competitive shooters, such as Valorant and Apex Legends. Overwatch developers announced in June that the game would be free to play and would launch as early access on October 4. in recent years.

Sign up for the Overwatch 2 beta.

Anyone can sign up for Overwatch 2’s second beta, but it’s not technically an open beta. The game will gradually add people as server capacity increases, and the first major wave of beta access will occur on July 5, according to the beta FAQ page. You would need to re-apply even if you were in the previous beta.

This is how you log in:

1. Go to the Overwatch 2 beta site.2. Sign in to your Blizzard account in the top right corner.3. At the bottom of the Overwatch 2 beta page, choose your platform (and region for PlayStation players).4. Then click Request beta access.

If you want guaranteed beta access on June 28, you can buy the Watchpoint Pack ($40). In addition to beta access on the first day, you’ll get two Legendary character skins, a unique player icon, and enough digital currency to purchase the first two Battle Passes.

Junker Queen’s ultimate ability helps her distance herself and quickly end battles.


Junker Queen Skills

The new beta finally gives fans a chance to play as Junker Queen, a hero we’ve all been raving about and thirsting for since she was first teased on the Junkertown map. Here’s what we know about Junker Queen’s capabilities from the Overwatch Twitter account:

New Hybrid Map: Paraiso

The beta also adds Paraiso, a new hybrid map that explores Lucio’s home, including DJs Clube Sinestesia. As with all mixed cards, players will start by attacking or defending a checkpoint, and if the attackers succeed, players will spend the rest of the card attacking or supporting a charge.

Clube Sinestesia is where support hero Lucio became famous as a DJ.


For more Overwatch 2 news, check out everything we learned from the Overwatch 2 reveal event.

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