Maternity centers have saved 800,000 babies from abortions since 2016

by Barbara R. Abercrombie
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A new analysis of a nationally representative dataset reveals that since 2016, more than 800,000 lives have been saved through the community-based care of pro-life maternity centers, which provide tangible support to local women addressing pregnancy-related challenges.

More than 2,700 pro-life maternity centers support pregnant women in difficult circumstances with medical care and referrals, education, mentorship, and material support, including diapers, car seats, and clothing. Community support is provided by nearly 15,000 employees and almost 54,000 volunteers, including 10,200 licensed medical professionals (both staff and volunteers).

Charles A. “Chuck” Donovan, president of the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI), said:

Radical pro-abortion activists have violently attacked pro-life maternity centers in recent weeks, which President Pelosi and other national leaders have not condemned. But real-world data shows that compassion and decency win out, with more than 800,000 precious babies saved thanks to brave volunteers and staff willingly taking the risk to help women and their families.

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“Pro-life maternity centers help women achieve their dreams by listening to their concerns and needs and building a community support network to work with the mother during pregnancy and beyond. This is what the violent activists are trying to silence.”

The Charlotte Lozier Institute’s new analysis was based on a nationally representative sample of more than 1,100 anonymized data from Care Net maternity centers, collected and recorded yearly since 2008. The data was then weighted to provide national estimates for the total number of pro-life pregnancy centers that CLI studies in the United States.

YEAR ESTIMATED LIVES SAVED NUMBER OF PREGNANCY CENTERS 2016 173,587 2,600 2017 163,105 2,600 2018 169,547 2,600 2019 177,716 2,700 2020 144,176 2,700 Total lives saved 828,131


Moira Gaul, MPH, a CLI associate scientist and lead author of the new analysis, explained:

“More than any other group, pro-life maternity centers are best equipped to support women dealing with unintended pregnancies in a post-Roe America. Maternity centers consistently have a customer satisfaction rate of over 95% on average, leading to many “word of mouth” referrals to pro-life maternity centers – meaning the 800,000 lives saved since 2016 represent a significant number of women who support and subsequently told their friends and family about the compassionate and complimentary care they received.”

A previous analysis by the Charlotte Lozier Institute found that in 2019, more than 2,700 pro-life maternity centers in the US served approximately two million women, men, and youth with nearly $270 million in services, including 1,290,079 packs of diapers, free obstetric ultrasound services—And prenatal and parenting courses.

Charlotte Lozier Institute was founded in 2011 as the teaching and research arm of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. CLI is a hub for government policy research and analysis on some of the most pressing issues facing the United States and countries worldwide. The Institute is named after a feminist physician known for her dedication to the sanctity of human life and equal career and educational opportunities for women.

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